Sunday, September 25, 2011

pelvic surgery

this website is AWESOME

things i like about it
1) it's FREE
2) it's like learning from a comic book. how many times have i told people that large blocks of text are just not that interesting? When I see huge paragraphs, my eyes glaze over and wander to the first sentence of the next paragraph. and so and and so forth until all the pages of the book have been flipped. then when someone asks me what the book is about, i can generally only tell them what the main character's first name was, and whether or not he/she died at the end.
3) pelvic surgery is fun
4) and exciting.
5) i love ob/gyn.
6) my life is great

oh yeah, and why is te linde's like 200 dollars, that is not worth it.
and why are the prologs like 500 dollars? that is SO NOT WORTH IT.

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