Saturday, September 15, 2012

Old Man's Beard

When I was little my Arabic teacher Ms. Dunia would always be bringing in Arabic candy for us to class.  It is a well known fact that I am a candy fiend.  I love candy more than any other food in the whole world!  My favorite candy that she brought was something she called "old man's beard."  She always brought it in a brown paper lunch sack looking thing.  When I moved to the US, I looked everywhere for this candy but it seemed to not be available to Americans.... until 2 weeks ago!, when my mom brought home a box from the Mediterranean grocery store containing.... 
OLD MANS BEARD! also known to adults as floss halawa, or to Greek people as halva.  I had no idea this was related to another Arabic / Mediterranean candy that I love -- regular halawa!
I like the pistachio flavor.  I also like pistachio nuts.


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